Providing Aid to Ukraine and Former Soviet Union Nations

Every year, Faith Mission receives many requests to contribute to projects in Ukraine and Moldova from pastors that we have supported for many years in those countries, as well as from new churches that desire our support.

Although we do our best to accommodate all these requests, we can only pass on as the Lord provides, through you, our supporters. We rely on these donations, both from our individual supporters as well as from the many churches and businesses that we have established relationships with over the years.

Bringing the Children to the Gospel

Children's Camps

Warming Homes and Hearts


Providing a Home

Orphan Support

Recovery and Support

Drug & Alcohol Rehab, Mental Health

Filling Critical Needs

Medical Supplies

Feeding the Hungry

Bread & Grains

Enabling the pastors to do the work

Pastor Support

A Christian take on ridesharing


Evangelization through Christmas Gifts

Christmas Gift Boxes

Helping Women, Girls, and Infants in Need

Diapers & Sanitary Pads

Helping to Rebuild a Broken Nation

Building Projects

Clothing the poor with our excess


Sharing the Word of God


Covering the necessities

Administrative Expenses

Warm coverings of love

Blankets and Sewing

**Lorem Ipsum**

Donate a Car