Serving Ukraine and Former Soviet Union Nations

Faith Mission started out through the need for clothing in Ukraine and although a lot of our focus is still on clothing, we have also branched out into many different avenues where are very happy to be able to contribute.

Every year, Faith Mission receives many requests to contribute to projects in Ukraine and Moldova from the pastors we support in those countries, as well as from new churches that desire our support. Although we do our best to accommodate all these requests, we can only do with what the Lord provides for through you, our supporters. We rely on the donations of our supporters and the many churches that we have established relationships over the years, some since the beginning and others that have just begun.

Faith Mission has delievered thousands of donations over the years. Select a highlighted area on the map to see more details about the deliveries made.

Clothing Distribution

I was .....naked, and ye clothed me.
Matthew 25:36

The focal outreach of Faith Mission is to provide clothing for the needy in the FSU (Former Soviet Union) countries of Ukraine, Republic of Georgia, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, and surrounding areas. We are grateful for the donations from local MCC stores, community thrift stores, garage sales and other caring individuals and businesses.

The articles are sorted by categories and compressed into approximately 80 to 100 pound bales. Approximately 400 bales are loaded into a shipping container and transported via rail to Montreal where it is loaded onto a vessel for the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean.

Evangelical churches have the opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ as they distribute the clothing to the needy people. We praise the Lord for the many individuals who have been clothed materially and helped spiritually through this outreach.

Gift Boxes

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1

Faith Mission also sends Christmas Gift Boxes to Ukraine. These gifts bring a lot of Christmas joy to many less fortunate families. We have requested that most of the Faith Mission Gift Boxes should be distributed in Orphanages and in the villages where the need is the greatest.

The Gift Box ministry is another wonderful tool that the churches can use to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the wonderful Salvation story, beginning with the Birth of Christ.

Some years ago, we had a problem getting enough shoe boxes, so we decided to print our own gift boxes. This has made it easier for more people to pack a box or for groups to pack a quantity of boxes. We have a good supply on hand.

How Can I Help?

You can pack a Faith Mission Gift Box for an orphan or needy child in Ukraine this year.

Gift Box Packing Guidelines [668KB PDF]

Or, you can for Faith Mission to pack a box and ship it to a needing child in Ukraine or Moldova.

A Gift Box Journey


With living expenses maxing out the budgets of our aid recipients, they are constantly struggling to put food on the table and to keep a roof over their heads. When winter hits, they need to find a way to keep their houses warm and, for many, it becomes a choice between eating or heating.

Faith Mission has many families and homes that we provide firewood or coals to enable them to survive these types of situations.

How Can I Help?

You can to provide a family with enough firewood to keep their home warm for an entire winter.

Children's Camps

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Children's Bible Camps are an exciting and effective ministry both locally and abroad. Faith Mission assists several of these summer camps in Ukraine and recently in Moldova through sponsorships by caring supporters.

Some of these camps are held in primitive settings where the Word of God is taught through Bible studies and songs. Other camps take place in schools, formerly operated by the communist regime. Many campers are introduced to Jesus Christ and accept His gift of salvation. The children's deep faith strongly influences their parents and the non-Christian communities around them

We pray for the Lord's continued blessings on these camps as many more individuals are reached with the message of salvation.

How Can I Help?

You can to send a child to camp for 3 days or longer.

Church Building Projects

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1

Faith Mission has responded to urgent requests for help by providing assistance for a church building project in Poltava and in the Carpathian Mountain region of Ukraine.

Orphan Support

Faith Mission has partnered with a number of different pastors and families over the years that have been very involved in helping children with no family and many times no homes. These children were often living on the street with no means to take care of themselves without turning to a life of stealing and other immoral lifestyles.

With the help of our donors, we have supported families that adopted many children themselves. We have also assisted churches and pastors in providing food and shelter to these children that need it.

How Can I Help?

You can to provide a home for a child for an entire year.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centres

Ever since our first trip to Ukraine in 1994, we have noticed that church congregants and those out among the general public are primarily women and children. This was attributed to the fact that many of the men were alcoholics and drug addicts, making it was difficult to get them into the churches.

Faith Mission supports numerous Ukrainian rehabiltation centers in different capacities. These rehab centers are run by different churches in those areas and take a Christ-centered approach to dealing with the addictions of the men going through the program, helping them overcome their addictions and giving the foundation of a relationship with God.

Pastor Support

As Faith Mission has established relationships with many of the churches receiving our humanitarian aid over the past 30 years, the local burden of distributing aid to churches and neighboring villages has become very apparent. To ease that burden and to enable these pastors to be completely devoted to the church, Faith Mission provides direct financial support to a number of pastors and their families on a monthly basis.

During our trip to Ukraine in 2023, we especially noticed the number of men who were absent and working abroad to send aid back to their families. In churches Faith Mission helped build, young men spoke of making similar efforts to provide for their families. To help more of these men continue their work in the churches, we made the decision to increase the number of pastors that we support and now have over 10 pastors to whom we provide a monthly salary, ranging from €150 - €300 per month.

This is another way that we can help these churches stay alive and thrive.

How Can I Help?

You can towards supporting pastors and their families.

Food Fund

As a direct result of the conflict in Ukraine since February 2022, the price of food has skyrocketed while the supplies have dwindled. Thanks to the generosity of Canadian food producers, we are now able to purchase and include food products along with our clothing shipments.

Prairie Flour Mills has donated many skids of flour to us for this purpose. We have also partnered with Prairie Gleaners in Medicine Hat and Gleaners of Ontario of Cambridge; these partnerships have resulted in countless bags of soup mix being sent to Ukraine.


He that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
Proverbs 14:21

Bicycles are in great demand in former communist countries and provide transportation for many people who cannot afford to own and operate a car. Unstable economies and high fuel prices force many people to walk and, as a result, some Christians must walk more than 10 kilometers to attend church services.

Thanks to the our many generous donors, Faith Mission has shipped thousands of bicycles to the countries of Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, and Moldova.

Medical Supplies

Throughout the years, Faith Mission has worked with several clinics, hospitals, and seniors' homes to provide them with medical supplies and equipment. From hospital beds to diapers, there are so many items that we have been able to send over the years and so many more that have been requested.

How Can I Help?

If you have extra medical supplies or equipment that you would like to donate, please contact us to arrange your donation.

You can also

Other Communities Involved

Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Although our main warehouse is in Winkler, several other communities are also actively involved with our clothing outreach.

Volunteers in Taber and La Crete, Alberta, also collect, sort and bale clothing in their own warehouses, then transport the bales to Winkler where they are loaded into the container for shipment overseas.

Supporters in Grunthal, Manitoba and Weyburn, Saskatchewan also collect used clothing and transport the bags of clothing to Winkler for baling.

We are grateful for the continued support and the dedicated volunteers that have prompted this growth. Our commitment is to provide humanitarian and spiritual aid as the Lord blesses and guides.