Help Provide Aid to Ukraine and Former Soviet Union Nations

Faith Mission started out through the need for clothing in Ukraine and although a lot of our focus is still on clothing, we have also branched out into many different avenues where are very happy to be able to contribute — thousands of donations have been delivered over the years (select a highlighted area on the map for more details).

You can Get Involved in many ways:

Donate Clothing
Fill a Christmas Box
Donate a Car
Support us Financially


You can volunteer for clothing sorting & bailing Thursdays from 1:00 — 5:00 pm and 7:00 — 9:00 pm at Faith Mission in Winkler:

520 Circle K Drive
Winkler, Manitoba
R6W 0K4

If your Youth Group, Bible Study group, or Ladies' Sewing Circle would like to volunteer for an afternoon or evening (Monday — Saturday), please contact our office at to make arrangements.

Fill a Christmas Box

Faith Mission also sends Christmas Gift Boxes to Ukraine. These gifts bring a lot of Christmas joy to many less fortunate families. We have requested that most of the Faith Mission Gift Boxes should be distributed in Orphanages and in the villages where the need is the greatest.

The Gift Box ministry is another wonderful tool that the churches can use to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the wonderful Salvation story, beginning with the Birth of Christ.

Some years ago we had a problem getting enough shoe boxes, so we decided to print our own gift boxes. This has made it easier for more people to pack a box or for groups to pack a quantity of boxes. We have a good supply on hand.

Gift Box Packing Guidelines [81KB PDF]

Dropping off

We ask that the Christmas Gift Boxes not be dropped off in the "Drop Off Room", but rather that they be accepted by personnel on:

Tuesdays from 9:30am — 4:30pm or
Thursdays from 1:00pm — 5:00pm


For a , Faith Mission will pack pack a box and ship it to a needing child in Ukraine or Moldova.

A Gift Box Journey

Other Communities Involved

Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58

Although our main warehouse is in Winkler, several other communities are also actively involved with our clothing outreach.

Volunteers in Taber and La Crete, Alberta, also collect, sort and bale clothing in their own warehouses, then transport the bales to Winkler where they are loaded into the container for shipment overseas.

Supporters in Grunthal, Manitoba and Weyburn, Saskatchewan also collect used clothing and transport the bags of clothing to Winkler for baling.

We are grateful for the continued support and the dedicated volunteers that have prompted this growth. Our commitment is to provide humanitarian and spiritual aid as the Lord blesses and guides.