Head Office & Warehouse
Faith Mission (FriedensBote) Inc.
520 Circle K Drive
Winkler, Manitoba
R6W 0K4
Faith Mission (FriedensBote) Inc.
520 Circle K Drive
Winkler, Manitoba
R6W 0K4
Accepts clothing donations for Faith Mission:
30010 MB - 216
North of Grunthal MB
Accepts clothing donations for Faith Mission:
Hopfe Training Centre Incorporated
325 Queen Street
Weyburn SK
S4H 2L2
Faith Mission Satellite Location & Warehouse
605 1st Street North
Grassy Lake, Alberta
T0K 0Z0
Clothing donations can also be dropped off at:
La Crete Care and Share (thrift store)
10502 99th Street
La Crete, Alberta
T0H 2H0
ACCESS Credit Union
Box 1060, Winkler, MB R6W 4B1
Account Number 19940-9
Revenue Canada Registered Charity
Business Number 14077 7079 RR0001