Wherever and whenever our clothing and other humanitarian aid is distributed, the local churches that are looking after the distribution also ensure that the Gospel message is presented before any aid is handed out.
Wherever and whenever our clothing and other humanitarian aid is distributed, the local churches that are looking after the distribution also ensure that the Gospel message is presented before any aid is handed out.
As they are receiving the clothing, gift-boxes, bicycles, and other humanitarian items, they are also given a Bible and other Christian literature such as the "Jesus Our Destiny" (pictured). Faith Mission works very closely with Missionswerk FriedensBote in Germany and they look after these books and other literature getting printed and make sure it is available to be distributed alongside the humanitarian aid we send.
With the widespread distribution and trucking costs involved, FriedensBote prints many of these books locally, whether in Ukraine, Moldova, Russia or any of the other former Soviet countries. Although this cuts down on the costs, there is still a significant amount of funding required with the quantity of books that are distributed.
Every year, FriedensBote distributes over a half million pieces of literature, from tracts to Bibles to Calendars with an evangelistic message in them.
You can donate $10 or more towards literature printing and distribution.