Pastor Support

In the 30 years that Faith Mission has been sending aid to Ukraine, we have established relationships with several pastors that have looked after distribution of our shipments for us.

Peter N. (right) and Leonid T. (below) are two of these pastors that we have been working with since the early 2000's.

To enable these and a number of other pastors to focus on the work of the churches where they are involved, Faith Mission pays a small salary to 9 different pastors across Ukraine and Moldova. By our Canadian standards, these are very meager salaries but the pastors that are receiving these funds are now able to work for the church full-time in many cases and the churches are seeing the benefits of having a dedicated shepherd leading their flocks.

Faith Mission is very thankful that we have been able to assist the churches not only with humanitarian aid but with filling the important role of leaders in the church. As the battles between Ukraine and Russia continue on the front-lines there is a different variety of battles that the pastors are constantly fighting as they face the struggle to stay motivated after seeing so many fleeing in the last two-and-a-half years.

The temptation to join those leaving the country has gotten some to leave as well and has only increased the load for those remaining. Sadly in some areas the only experienced pastors staying back are the older pastors that a few years ago were preparing to retire, these brothers are now plunged back into full-time ministry. The reasons for the younger brothers leaving the churches vary from church to church many feel they are forced to leave because there are very few jobs available that they can hold while also pastoring part time. In order to alleviate this pressure, Faith Mission has committed to increasing the support available to churches where there is someone able to take these positions and they can dedicate their lives to pastor full-time.

How Can I Help?

You can to go towards pastor support.

Provide Ongoing Support

As Faith Mission has made a commitment to support these pastors and churches on a monthly basis, we encourage our supporters to consider making monthly contributions.

Please Contact Us if you're interested in being setup for a monthy donation towards pastor support.