
In the early 90's, we received a call to help out the needy in the country of Ukraine, which had been part of the Soviet Union for many years. Millions of people that had long been accustomed to communist rule were now thrust into freedom, but money was scarce and in many cases resources were also not available for purchase even if you did have money.

This was the reason that Faith Mission got started — to supply these people with clothing. As we have branched out into the many other projects, we have continued sending clothing as well.

One can easily think that we live in the 21st century and nobody should be living in this kind of need. But currently, the increasing poverty worldwide, which is exacerbated by wars, crises and disasters, is causing great distress for many people in the countries of the East. Thousands of people are affected and urgently need help to survive. Children from socially disadvantaged families, old and sick people suffer from hunger and struggle to survive almost every day.

We can only alleviate the suffering of those in need bit by bit. The spread of the gospel is our top priority. The relief supplies are an act of practical charity and allow many people to recognize God's love through Christians. Our "relief supplies" work area can always use support. Help us collect relief supplies for those in need!

We have several collection points across Western Canada if you would like to donate clothing, footwear or other necessary items of humanitarian aid.

If you are able to help, we have two locations where we sort and bale clothing regularly, requiring thousands of volunteer man-hours every year.

In 2024, we set a new record by shipping 19 containers out of Canada. Our previous record was set in 2005 with 15 containers sent. Although it is very exciting to be setting new records it does come at a cost, these extra containers have to be paid for, approximately $16,000 CAD per shipment.

The other challenge that this presents is the clothing bales that these containers are filled with all have to be sorted and bales in our warehouses so we have seen a need for an increase in our volunteer hours. Please consider helping out in either or both of these areas as you are able.

How Can I Help?

You can towards clothing, shipping, and freight.

You can drop off clothing, footwear, or other necessary items of humanitarian aid at one of our locations

You can also volunteer to help with sorting and baling at two of hour locations. Please contact us if you would like to help.