Christmas Gift Boxes

The Christmas packages for children in the East are an excellent opportunity for us to reach the hearts of children with the love of Jesus Christ. Without God, many families are constantly conflicted, rejected and hated. Because of the bitter poverty, the Christmas package is the only gift most children receive during the year. Many children remember the Christmas package they once received from Christians in the West for the rest of their lives.

The greatest gift, however, is hidden in the message of the packages: the fact that Jesus Christ came into our world as a human being to redeem us from sin. He accomplished what we could never achieve through our works — reconciliation with God!

Children from non-Christian families often bring their parents to Christmas services. They hear and see the charity in action and start to think about God. Every Christmas package that reaches a home spreads the message of the Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

Through the campaign "Christmas for EVERY Child", Faith Mission hopes to hand out at thousands of Christmas packages to children in the countries of the East each year. A Christmas package is a ray of light of God's love, especially for the children who are on the run as a result of the military conflict in Ukraine!

A Gift Box Journey

Please pray and support us in this project! Over the past number of years, Faith Mission has realized that, for many people, the strain and stress of the holidays keeps them busy enough and they don't find the time or energy to pack the boxes that they would like to send. But they continue to support this necessary project through donations to Faith Mission, whose volunteers pack Chritmas boxes. Because of the large quantity of items we purchase for these Christmas boxes, we are able to receive bulk pricing on most items. We also receive some bulk items donated throughout the year to use for these boxes.

How Can I Help?

You can for Faith Mission to pack a box and ship it to a needing child in Ukraine or Moldova.

Or, you can pack a gift box for an orphan or needy child in Ukraine or Moldova and drop it off at one of our locations

Gift Box Packing Guidelines [668KB PDF]