During the Easter holidays, we visited villages on the front lines. With great effort, we reached the agreed meeting points. We saw many desperate
people who silently asked for help. Many of them survived the occupation there, the children have become accustomed to the roar of war. The elderly
live only in the hope that someone will help them. Some were also ready to hear something about the risen Christ.
We asked them: "Do you know what Jesus taught?" Silence. We told them: "Don't swear, don't kill!"
After these statements, the crowd became very attentive and nodded in agreement.
I asked: "Do you know why there is war?" Again silence. We broke through the silence: "Because people are not living according to the Gospel!"
The people listened intently. In this way we can bring the good news of the Gospel to people in war zones today. Our souls seek nourishment, just as our
bodies need bread to survive. A man who has seen much in his life reverently holds the Gospel in his hand. While some stand in the bread line, others
carefully read the Bible verses. With death in sight, one thinks differently of eternity. After the service many hands reached out for bread. Along
with the bread, we also distributed Christian literature to the people. Very rarely does anyone refuse the literature. They read the tracts carefully,
look for answers to their life questions and begin to take an interest in God.
When we asked the people about Christians, they answered: "No Christians have ever come here before!" The people were open to accepting the bread for
both their body and their soul. Thank God! We had bought 600 loaves of bread for this mission. We hoped it would be enough, but unfortunately we
didn't have anything left for the last few villages. We thank everyone who cares about this service; who helps to carry out these missions. God works
in people's hearts!" Whoever gives his bread to the hungry will live! (Ezekiel 18:16-17)
Every month, Christians from two congregations in the Kharkiv region of eastern Ukraine regularly distribute bread and, as spiritual food, the
liberating message of the Gospel to desperate and war-torn people. These evangelistic missions often take place at the risk of their lives. That is
why the local Christians depend on our prayers. Because the bread is baked in a Christian community, the costs can be kept very low. For just 600
euros, up to 3,000 loaves of bread can be provided each month.
If you give your heart to the hungry and satisfy the faint soul, then your light will
rise in the darkness...
Isaiah 58:10
Dear missionary friends, please pray that people will be saved in this way!
How Can I Help?
You can donate $30 CAD or more
to go towards bread & grains.